Stefan Schröder
The Hunt for Bread [Die Jagd nach dem Brot]
A Stone-Age adventure novel. For young and old.
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Edition: 1st
Release year: 2022
Number of pages: 260 pages
Images: 0 fig.
Format: 13.5 x 21.5 cm
Zielgruppe: Teenagers and young adults and Adults
Genre: Tension, Action & Adventure, War, and Stone Age novel
Sprachversion: DEU – German
ISBN (print book): 9783910347069
ISBN (EPUB): 9783910347076
ISBN (PDF): 9783910347113
Short text
The year 5500 BC in what is now northern Germany. The young chief's son Kierk, a tireless ranger from the Gojdo hunter-gatherer people, is betrayed by his stepbrother in a competition for the love of the fire warden's daughter and is forced to flee the tribal area. Strangers, settlers who are farmers and ranchers in search of fertile farmland find him badly injured. They take him to their settlement in the south and nurse him back to health. A neighbouring land owner has broken the centuries-long peace among the settlers and allied himself with a hunter people, the arch-enemies of the Gojdo. The first war in Northern Europe breaks out. Kierk must learn to be a leader and he must choose between the daughter of the fire warden and the daughter of the land owner.
Tags: stone age novel, farmers and hunters, hunters and gatherers, historical novel, adventure novel, Northern Germany novel, prehistory novel, expansion of agriculture, crop cultivation, Neandertal novel, Stonehenge novel, adventure story, Last of the Mohicans, Linear Pottery Culture, Linear Pottery Culture, biodiversity, deforestation, Mesolithic, Neolithic

About the author
Dr Stefan Schröder writes adventure stories for young and old on environmental and social issues. "The Hunt for Bread" is his debut novel. The idea of historical embedding came to him through his hobby of archaeology and his extensive knowledge of agriculture and the environment. The result is a story which takes places in Germany, with great parallels to "The Last of the Mohicans" set on the North American continent. The author was awarded the renowned Ebbe Nielsen Prize in 2003 for his research work on the protection of biodiversity.
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